Name's Michelle. I'm a 24 year old dreamer born and raised in Texas who is joining the Peace Corps so I can go out into this big beautiful world and help people.
Bluebonnets always remind me of home.
I have a BA in English Literature and am currently living in England working on my MA in Medieval Studies, which I'm sure will be very helpful in the Peace Corps. At the very least I can tell exciting tales about King Arthur during the long winter months!
'Ever hear the one about Lancelot and the cart?'
I love to travel and have been all over the place, but there's plenty more to see. I also enjoy reading, writing, and cooking/baking, especially if I have a group of people to share my creations with.
Mmm...homemade cookies...
I like to think that I'm pretty laid back and able to roll with the punches, though sometimes I overthink things. I am willing to fight for what I believe in, stand for what's right, and can admit when I'm wrong. I'm pretty weird with a strange sense of humour and am easily identifiable by my constant need to either break into song or dance or to just generally be silly. I'm rather loud, I love to laugh, and I love making other people laugh.
[insert one of the hundreds of pictures of
me being silly]
I was invited to serve in the Peace Corps on June 18th, 2010. I leave September 17th to go to Ukraine to work as a University English Teacher.
I am very excited about this oppertunity and am looking forward to the next two years in Ukraine!