Oh, wow, that was a lot faster than I thought! I really wasn't expecting any contact from the Placement office for at least a month, and then today I received an e-mail saying that the final assessment of my application has been completed! She said I 'possess a great skill set and demonstrate strong motivation to serve' (hell yeah I do!).
But alas, there was just one more thing between me and that beautiful blue envelope.
Last year, a lot of changes occurred in my life. Big Changes. Apparently, there is a policy in the Peace Corps I didn't know about called the Major Life Change policy (MLC) where they want a full year to have passed between a major life event and the beginning of service. One of my Big Changes happened just over a year ago now and my Placement officer asked me to write a statement about how this event won't effect my service.
Seriously, this is probably the easiest thing I think I've had to do in this whole application process. Because yes, last year was hard. A lot of things in my life changed and it hurt and it was painful. But I have grown as a person because of it. I love where I am now and what I'm doing, and I have never been happier because, honestly, how can you not be happy while living your dreams? The hardships in life are the things that teach us, and I would like to believe that because of all the things that have happened, I am stronger for it. I will be able to be a better volunteer because of all the lessons I have learned about myself and my abilities.
I just sent in my statement, and now my application is in the actual placement stage. I'm still being considered for a September departure to Africa or Central Asia, possibly Eastern Europe. Basically if it's leaving in September, it's fair game, which means the Staging Dates listed on PCwiki don't really help me much in trying to guess where I'm going. Which I think is really cool because I always love a good surprise! Anyways, I was told all of the details about when, where, and what I would be doing would be included in that big, beautiful envelope they are going to send me.
This is really happening. This is actually, really, finally happening. I'm excited and happy and thrilled beyond belief. How can you not be happy as your dream comes true?
Oh fantastic!!! Yes, that would be quite simple to write. XD I could say lots and lots of mean things on here about certain parts of your hardships last year, but I doubt that the PC would appreciate my crude sense of humor. At the very least they'd say, "You're immature." At least you can handle all of this with good grace. I think you are totally ready to soar through and experience new endeavors. Congrats, Michelle! You'll have to tell me all about it! XOXO