It's been 21 days since I was medically cleared (but who's counting?). Placement Office said my file would probably be under review within 4 - 6 weeks, so I'm about halfway through that period. I know, I know, it'll probably be more along the lines of multiple months, not weeks, before I hear from them, but that doesn't stop a girl from hoping. And this girl sure is hoping. Patience, got to have patience. Been waiting for over a year, what's a few more weeks and/or months for such an incredible adventure?
In the meantime, I've been reading blogs and looking at various programs leaving when and where I've been nominated (thanks to PCwiki - behind Facebook, this is my ultimate procrastination tool), and I have a couple of sneaking suspicions on where I might be heading. I've been reading the blogs by the PCV serving in those places, learning about them, wondering about them. Though I'm not going to set my heart on any place because I know how the Peace Corps likes to keep people on their toes!
But actually, I've recently heard about another program that I would really like to do. And as in 'really like to do' I mean, as soon as I heard about it, I sent an e-mail to my best friend basically squealing in barely contained excitement. It's not in the region I'm nominated for, and it leaves a little later than I'm nominated for, but that's all right in my book since it would be such an amazing opportunity. I'm not going to go into more detail, just in case I don't (or do!) get the program, but it would totally rock my socks off to be sent there. Though it would rock my socks off to be sent anywhere!
Leaving later actually does strike my fancy, though. My first reaction: so I can travel more before heading back to the States! My second reaction: so I can actually spend time with my family and friends! As it currently stands, if I leave in September I'll have just a few weeks between returning from England to going off wherever. I would be fine leaving in September, that's when I told the Peace Corps I would be ready to leave after all, but it would definitely be a whirlwind adventure filled with a lot of emotion. I saw Super Dad and the Sister over Spring Break when we met up in Greece, but the last time I saw everyone else was in December, if not later. So it would be nice to leave a little bit later and have the chance to spend some real time with everyone. And to spend some real time in my favourite restaurants before leaving them again (oh, what I would do for a steak and a big glass of sweet iced tea...or some good tex-mex...).
Hopefully I'll know what's happening within the next few weeks. So that when my friends ask, 'How's the Peace Corps thing coming?' I can say something besides, 'Still waiting...'
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